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Juhannus 2018
On June 12th, we celebrated this Finnish Holiday (the longest day of the year) at the Farmers Camp on Leominster Street. The program featured a movie on George Bergroth of Fitchburg by Judith Lindstedt. We enjoyed Finnish foods and saw research that is being gathered for the history of Finns in Westminster
License Plates 2018
On April 24th, Alan Young told us about the History of License Plates.
Train Display 2018
On April 10th, we ventured over to the Methodist Church in Gardner for our program event on model trains.
Maple Sugaring 2018
On March 3rd, we ventured down to the Bean Farm to watch the making of maple syrup & enjoy some freshly made maple syrup on vanilla ice cream.
The Westminster Cracker Factory 2018
On January 9th, Keith Dunn told us of the history of this iconic Westminster building and its continuing business in Vermont. Click the picture to watch the full presentation.

Annual Dinner Meeting 2017
On November 3rd, members joined together at the American Legion Hall for a buffet catered by McNallys. President, Barry E. Roy, presented a program on the making of the book Vintage Views of a New England Village; a Postcard Tour of Westmnster, Massachusetts.
Cracker Festival 2017
On October 21st, we joined the town festivities for the 3rd Annual Cracker Festival. Scarecrows were lined up along Main Street, there were food vendors, contests, and music. We opened the doors of the Main Street house so the community could come in to taste what was cooking over the fire, test their skills at writing with a quill pen, and look for their school picture from the hundreds in our collection.
Juhannus 2017
On June 13th we celebrated this Finnish Holiday (the longest day of the year) at the Farmers Camp on Leominster Street. The program featured Finnish crafts such as wood carving, weaving (ryijys and rag rugs) and famous textiles like Marmekko. We enjoyed Finnish foods and saw research that is being gathered for the history of Finns in Westminster.
Colonial Day 2017
Westminster Elementary School’s 3rd Graders have a day when the entire grade dresses up in Colonial Times Clothing and walks around town to different colonial activities setup around town. The Westminster Historical Society opens the Main Street House up for the kids to come in and learn about family life, and the different responsibilities of the children in Colonial Times. Along with learning about different items used around the home back then.
Plant Swap 2017
On May 2nd we held our Annual Plant Swap. People came and swapped their plants for another gardener’s extras and had the opportunity to purchase raspberry bushes and other perennials to start or add to their garden. Along with garden goodies preregistration for Crocker Pond was available.